Frequently Asked Questions

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Is what you do like Line Dancing?
Yes, and no. Like in Line Dancing there are repeated figures. But, unlike Line Dancing you are performing them with a partner and others in the set. Another term for what we do is "Social Dance" as it involves multiple people working together to perform the dance.
Do I need to bring a partner?
No. We do our best to ensure that people coming along on their own are welcomed and given as many opportunities as possible to join in.
I've never done this before, will you teach me?
Yes, of course. If you've been to a "barn dance" or "ceilidh" before, you're already well on the way. If not, we will help you. We teach by doing. Join in with an experienced dancer and they will help you understand the instructions given by the caller. If you let us know in advance that you are coming, we can inform the caller and we will be ready to welcome you to the fun of this style of dance.
I can’t make it for the start of the evening, is it OK if I come later?
Yes. Several of our members have work commitments which mean they can’t be there at the start. If you are a beginner, let us know and we will help you catch up with any figures we have been practising.
I keep going wrong, should I stop coming?
No. We all make mistakes. Keep trying, and ask an experienced dancer or caller to teach you anything you are finding tricky.
I get dizzy easily, what can I do?
This is something which affects quite a few people. There are many figures which can be done in a diferent way to avoid dizziness. Ask an experienced dancer or caller for advice. Also, tell your dance partner and they will be able to help.
I can’t do energetic dances, are they all like that?
Our callers will always have a mixed programme of dances, with something for everyone. You will be able to enjoy the music and watch others do the energetic dances then join in for the gentler ones.
Do you have live music?
Sometimes. Most club evenings are with recorded music. The club has a large collection of folk dance music which is of a very high quality. From time to time we have local bands along to play for an evening. We have live music from the "NFDG Big Band" on party nights. We always have live music for our Saturday dances.
We are a band, can we come and play?
Please get in touch with us through our "Contact Us" page.
I want to come along with friends and we want to dance together, is that OK?
Yes, but you may find it easier to learn if you mix in with some experienced dancers until you have learned some of the figures. Let the caller know and they will select a dance for you to enjoy with your firiends.
I'm a beginner, can I come along to a Saturday dance?
Yes. However you will enjoy the event a lot more if you come to a few club nights first to learn the basics. We don’t turn anyone away who wants to join in and learn.
Why are there so few questions here?
This is a new page and we are adding questions and answers as soon as we can. If you have any suggestions, please email